About ditch the gym

My name is Melissa and I am on a mission. I want to help liberate people like you from stinkin’ gyms (You know the big, bad kind I’m talking about) and make exercise interesting, fun and cheap again!

I’m a Fitness Trainer and a firm believer in the Group Training approach. I also believe in getting value for money, enjoying yourself and meeting new people.

I’m completely addicted to own body-weight exercies. I love ’em! I’m going to help you build a bank of exercises that you can do anywhere, anytime, which will be great for people that travel a lot. I’ll post videos & photos of different exercises that you can try out and hopefully add to your already fabulous routine.

I will also add a timetable of local Group Training Sessions and a list of suggested outdoor options near you. I live in Melbourne, so most of the outdoor stuff will be around here, but I’ll add to it as I travel too!

All this without requiring a stinkin’ gym membership. How very liberating for you!

Feel free to get in touch if there is something that you LOVE, that you think I might LOVE, or you are looking for. I’ll do my best to hunt it down for you and add it to the list.

Now go get busy – DITCH THE GYM!!! I dare you..


PS. This is me below – NOT exercising in a stinky old gym

5 Responses to About ditch the gym

  1. Debra says:

    This is great idea I also hate gyms their usually loud and not much fun Ill be sure to check in on your blog I’m in Ballarat.

  2. ditchthegym says:

    Thanks Deb!
    Just as soon as I get some info on Ballarat, I’ll whack it up for you!
    The “At home” exercises I plan to add will probably work well for you & that way you can play your music and whatever volume you like.
    ’til then, happy exercising!

  3. Prizey says:

    Great blog Melis. Can’t wait to see your post on training at home – can you add some ‘sweat-free’ preggie exercises please so that I am not too unfit to participate in group training sessions next year??

    • ditchthegym says:

      I promise to get the first exercise up this week, Al.
      I’ve got the video function arranged, but no audio as yet.
      I’m make the first few exercises very do-able for those who happen to be “up the duff”.
      See you at training!

  4. Pingback: more on those fats – the good, the better and the awesome | Melbourne Natural Fertility

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